Dual Diagnosis

2 days training

Dual diagnosis refers to the co-existence of substance misuse including alcohol and mental health problems. National evidence suggests that substance misuse among people with mental health problems should be seen as usual rather than exceptional. The prevalence of dual diagnosis is estimated to affect between 30 and 70 per cent of those presenting to health and social care settings.

The most common mental health symptoms reported by substance misuse clients are depression, bipolar disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Clients with dual diagnosis often experience more serious problems and have poorer prognosis than those with a single diagnosis. They are also much more likely to be homeless or jailed.

Research has strongly indicated that to recover fully, a client with co-occurring disorder needs treatment for both problems. Despite much research that supports its success, integrated treatment is still not made widely available to clients, who often fall between services and excluded from both mental health and substance misuse services.

Effective integrated treatment consists of the same health professionals, working in one setting, providing appropriate treatment for both mental health and substance abuse in a coordinated fashion. Several key themes have been identified in the literature for integrated dual diagnosis interventions*:

  • a flexible, person-centred, empathetic, non-confrontational and non-judgmental approach to foster trusting supportive relationships and shared understanding
  • promoting optimism and building motivation to deal with substance problems and other associated difficulties
  • understanding the chronology of the disorders, but maintaining a holistic focus in addressing the substance misuse, psychological, social and physical health problems
  • prioritising problem solving
  • a harm reduction approach to substance misuse in the first instance
  • advice and information about the impact of substance use.

Course aims:

  • Equip participants with basic knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to work with clients with substance misuse and mental health
  • Provide an overview of dual diagnosis – definitions, prevalence, theoretical models, research
  • Introduce the department of health Dual Diagnosis guide and capability framework.
  • Explore the effects of dual diagnosis on the individual and their social networks
  • Introduce common signs and symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety
  • Introduce key factors, methods and skills for integrated Dual Diagnosis programme.
  • Explore implementations option in relation to participants’ work.

To arrange a time for this in house course just contact us .

*The relationship between dual diagnosis, substance misuse and dealing with mental health issues; SCIE Crome et al 2009

How to Apply

In order to sign up to one of our Open Courses you just have to fill in a form online.

For In-house Training just send us an email: Contact us


"I learnt a lot from this training and was very pleased with myself when I used some of the techniques..."